Author: ford_aaron

Crayons to Calculators Backpacks are Here!

Backpacks for preschool through 5th graders are available now at Central!  Stop by between 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. for your child’s start on the back-to-school supplies!  NOTE:  If you ordered a school supply packet from our PTO, those will be ready for pick up starting Thursday, August 10!

Central Geography Bee

Twenty-one students participated in the National Geography Bee preliminary competition at Central on Monday, December 5.  It was a stringent competition right down to the final answer…the three finalists were Willa Conlin, Luke Riddle and Dacen Wach.  At the final question, Dacen was named the winner!  Congratulations to all the participants, especially Dacen Wach, who […]


It’s time to register for Kindergarten 2017-2018!

Central is accepting registrations for the 2017-2018 kindergarten program.  Students who will reach age 5 by October 1, 2017 are eligible to register for kindergarten for 2017-2018.  We will be offering two full day kindergarten classes and one half time kindergarten class.  The half time kindergarten will meet on Wednesday afternoons, all day Thursdays and […]


Central students get into the spirit of voting!

Central students got to experience voting today.  Issues on the ballot were:  Best School Lunch, Best Central Activity, and should Central have a School Flag?  A lot of excitement was generated about these “ballot issues” today!  Will the school pizza, chicken nuggets or crispito be the favorite lunch?  Will the Firehawk Dash, Halloween Parade or […]


Halloween at Central

Halloween Costume Guidelines & Celebrations -Our school day will be on a normal schedule and students are not to wear costumes to school.  (Exception:  preschool only!)  Please try to keep things simple. All costumes must meet regular dress code guidelines found in the student handbook. Students should be able to get into their costumes without assistance, since […]

3rd & 4th Grade Music Programs Cancelled for tonight!

The Third and Fourth Grade Music Programs that were scheduled for tonight (Oct. 26) have been cancelled.  Mrs. Law will reschedule the programs once she has had a chance to work with the SVVSD Master Calendar upon her return.  All 3rd & 4th grade students will be notified once the replacement date has been set. […]


Firehawk Dash Schedule

Students will arrive 10 minutes BEFORE the scheduled running time to go to the warm up station and get stretched. Teachers will help students move through the 5 stations. 1.    WARM UP 2.    RUN 3.    COOL DOWN 4.    TALLY Laps- Teachers will have a chair and their class roster at the table. Students will line up and […]


It’s Firehawk Dash Time!

 FROM CENTRAL PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION Welcome Firehawks!  The Firehawk DASH is Central PTO’s only fundraiser and we need your help to make it a success. We have tried to make fundraising more FUN! Each year the students get pledges to run the DASH for CASH!  Each student raises their goal amount to reach their prize […]

Central Elementary School